What is a “single session”?
For affiliate sales to earn a commission at BBTmedia.com, they must be qualifying purchases. This means the customer must click-through to BBTmedia.com or to any page within BBTmedia.com via a link that contains your affiliate code during a single session.
A single session is measured as beginning when a customer clicks through your special links and ending when one of the following happens:
The customer purchases a product by completing the order for that product by successfully paying for it.
The customer clicks through to BBTmedia.com, browses, leaves the site, but returns within 59 days to complete a purchase. After 59 days, the customer will need to return to the site again via one of your special links in order for any purchase that customer makes to be attributed to your affiliate account.
The customer purchases a product and opens and begins streaming or downloading it from here.